Children’s day (子供の日)
Every May 5, we celebrate Children’s Day.
In 1948 it became a national holiday designed to promote the health and happiness of all children (boys and girls).
The day is traditionally called Tango no Sekku. Historically, it was a day to celebrate and wish for the healthy growth of boys.
Most families with boys still display a Japanese military helmet, called Kabuto, or a Warrior Doll inside the house.

Also, they fly carp-shaped streamers, called Koi Nobori, outside the house.

Children and their families celebrate by eating Kashiwa-mochi and Chimaki.

Kashiwamochi is rice cake wrapped in oak leaves with sweet bean paste inside.
Chimaki is rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves.
Hiromi. N.
Editor: Stuart Cauley.
Chigako Cauley.