Staff and students of AMKY are writing about Japanese culture or something so Japanese from their own perspectives-スタッフと生徒が英語で紹介する「身近な日本文化」です。
A monument of a whale (鯨のモニュメント)
There is a small park next to the Kagata shrine in Higashishinagawa and a monument of a whale sticks out from the ground.
A whale strayed off into the waters off the Shinagawa coast in Edo (currently Tokyo), because of a rainstorm May 1st in 1798, in the Kansei era.
Fishermen in Shinagawa drove it into Tennousu and captured it. It was big whale and its length was about 16 meters and its height was about 2 meters.
Many people came there to see the whale. The news caused such a great sensation that the 11th general Ienari TOKUGAWA had a look at it at Hama Imperial Villa (currently Hama Royal Garden).
But the whale weakened and died because it had been captured for a long time. Its bones were buried within the Kagata Shrine grounds.

And they built a mound on the place and held a memorial service. It still remains as the kujirazuka (Mound for Whales).
