Introducing deep Japanese culture

Do you want to know about Japan? At 4T-AMKY, Teachers and Students write about Japanese culture, food, history, many spots to visit, and other stuff. Enjoy reading and knowing about deeper Japanese culture!


あなたも 4T-AMKYの生徒になって、4T- AMKY-COMMUNITY-blog(4T-アムキーブログ)で日本文化を世界に伝えてみませんか?

News! 顧問の菊地郁世さんの本が出版されました!


COMMUNITY-Blog でも執筆頂いている菊地顧問が、長年の集大成として、日本文化や日本の名所について、英語で綴った書籍です!(日本語対訳付き!)ご自身で描かれた絵も載っています。

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Recent posts

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    Beautiful Japanese culture! Do you know about Japanese temples? Kan’eiji Temple today has been reduced to one-tenth of its size during the Edo era.
  • Japan’s Four Seasons | Flowers of the Four Seasons
    Beautiful Japanese culture! Do you know about Japan’s Four Seasons? Spring, summer, fall, and winter, Japan’s four seasons are distinctly different.
  • Japanese Temple | Daijuji Temple
    Beautiful Japanese culture! Do you know about Japanese temples? Daijuji Temple is a temple associated with Ieyasu Tokugawa.
  • Spring Messenger: Amur adonis (Fukujyusou in Japanese).
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  • Japanese Food | Miso
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  • Japanese card game | Bozu Mekuri
    Beautiful Japanese culture! Do you know about Japanese card games? Bozu Mekuri is a simple card game played with the pictures of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu deck.
  • Japanese Temple | Teishoji Temple
    Beautiful Japanese culture! Do you know about Japanese temples? Teishoji Temple seen through the gate has a calm and quiet appearance with the autumn leaves.
  • Traditional Japanese New Year’s Sake
    bout Japanese New Year’s Sake? It is called “Toso” and has been traditionally drunk in Japan during the New Year.
  • Japanese Temple in Tokyo | Yuzu Inari Sonten
    Beautiful Japanese culture! Do you know about Japanese temples in Tokyo? Yuzu Inari is one of the halls in the precinct of the Toyokawa Inari Tokyo Betsuin.